Friday, October 4, 2024

Maritime Compact - Part 5 - Adventuring Options

New Brunswick

Key Features for Adventurers:

  1. The Forests of the Ancestors:

    • Description: New Brunswick is home to vast, ancient forests that have become both sanctuaries and battlegrounds in the wake of the Hodgepocalypse. These woods are filled with haunted groves, fey enclaves, and powerful nature spirits. Adventurers might explore these forests seeking lost knowledge, hidden settlements, or powerful relics tied to the land.
    • Adventure Hooks: Recovering a long-lost artifact from a cursed grove, negotiating with the forest spirits to protect a town from necromantic forces, or hunting down a rogue druid threatening to unleash a primal force
      2. The Necromantic Wastes:

    • Description: Once fertile farmlands, parts of New Brunswick were devastated by necromantic plagues during the Necromantic Wars. These areas are now wastelands, populated by the restless dead, mutated creatures, and twisted flora. Adventurers are drawn to these wastes to search for forgotten treasures or to battle the undead in service of local communities.
    • Adventure Hooks: Investigating the source of a new undead plague, finding a cure for a necromantic curse, or defending a village from a horde of undead.

Cultural Concepts:

  • Lumberjack Enclaves: Reflecting the region’s historical ties to the timber industry, communities in New Brunswick are often organized around large lumberjack enclaves. These hardy people, known as “Logmen,” have a deep connection to the forests and the spirits within. They often practice wood-based magic and use enchanted lumber to craft weapons and tools.
  • Shadow Folk Festivals: To ward off the spirits of the Necromantic Wastes, the people of New Brunswick hold regular Shadow Folk Festivals. These are vibrant celebrations involving masked dances, bonfires, and rituals meant to honor and appease the dead, ensuring the safety of their communities.

Nova Scotia

Key Features for Adventurers:

  1. The Fortress Coast:

    • Description: Nova Scotia’s coastline is dotted with fortified settlements, old military bases, and hidden bunkers. These locations have been retrofitted with advanced defenses, including Faustian Mechanics-powered cannons and energy shields. Adventurers might be hired to help protect these fortresses from raiders or explore abandoned ones for forgotten technology.
    • Adventure Hooks: Defending a coastal town from pirate attacks, uncovering a hidden bunker with pre-Hodgepocalypse secrets, or repairing a malfunctioning energy shield before a storm hits.
        2.The Crystal Mines of Cape Breton:

    • Description: Cape Breton’s mines have become famous for their crystals, which are now sought after for their magical properties. These crystals are used in Faustian Mechanics and other forms of techno-wizardry, making the mines a target for both treasure hunters and rival factions.
    • Adventure Hooks: Securing a mining operation against hostile forces, discovering a new type of crystal with unique properties, or rescuing miners trapped after a magical explosion.

Cultural Concepts:

  • Sea Shanty Rituals: Nova Scotians have turned their maritime heritage into a series of magical sea shanties. These songs are not just for entertainment—they are imbued with spells that can calm storms, summon sea creatures, or enhance a ship’s speed. Singing these shanties is an important part of their culture, with competitions and festivals held regularly.
  • The Blue Shield Alliance: A coalition of Nova Scotia’s coastal towns, the Blue Shield Alliance is dedicated to the defense of the region from both supernatural and mundane threats. Members of this alliance are highly trained in maritime warfare and use both traditional and Faustian Mechanic-enhanced weaponry.

3.                   3. The Big Fiddle of the Ceilidh

o   Description: The Titan’s Fiddle of Ceilidh Bay is a monumental fiddle that stands proudly on the shores of the bay, a magical relic crafted by a fey-touched giant in the distant past. The instrument is intricately carved from ancient wood, with runes and symbols that glow faintly in the moonlight. It resonates with an otherworldly melody that lingers in the air, drawing fey creatures and music lovers alike. The strings, though seemingly delicate, are unbreakable, and the bow is said to be enchanted with the power to stir the hearts of even the most stoic beings. When the fiddle is played, the wind seems to dance, and the waters of the bay shimmer with a silvery light, as if the world itself is moved by the music.

o   Plot Hook: Legends tell of the Titan’s Fiddle having the power to bridge the gap between the mortal world and the Feywild. However, only those who can play the ancient melodies inscribed in the runes will unlock its true potential. Adventurers are drawn to Ceilidh Bay, seeking to learn the mystical tunes from local fey or ancient texts, in hopes of using the fiddle to access hidden realms or summon powerful allies. But the fiddle's magic is unpredictable, and those who play it without understanding its fey nature risk being transported to the Feywild, where they must navigate the perilous and whimsical landscape to return home—or perhaps find treasures and secrets lost to time.


Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.)

Key Features for Adventurers:

  1. The Island of Illusions:

    • Description: P.E.I. is known for its illusory landscapes and shifting geography, a result of the Hodgepocalypse’s lingering magic. Entire towns might disappear into the mists, only to reappear days later in a different location. Adventurers might be called upon to navigate these illusions, find lost settlements, or unravel the mysteries of the island’s magic.
    • Adventure Hooks: Tracking a lost caravan through the mists, dispelling a powerful illusion affecting an entire town, or uncovering the source of the island’s shifting geography.
           2. The Red Cliffs of Power:

    • Description: The famous red sandstone cliffs of P.E.I. have become sites of great magical power, drawing Faustian Mechanic practitioners and other magic users. These cliffs are rumored to contain hidden vaults of arcane knowledge and are often the battleground for powerful mages seeking to control their secrets.
    • Adventure Hooks: Protecting a research expedition at the cliffs, uncovering a hidden vault of forbidden magic, or battling a rival faction over control of a powerful ley line.
         3. Hannah's Bottle Village

o   Description: in Belfast, Prince Edward Island, was a curious sight, where a resourceful woman named Hannah built a small village entirely from glass bottles. Each house in the hamlet glows with an otherworldly light, said to be the remnants of the powerful magical potions used in their creation.

o   Adventure Hooks: The village is now abandoned, but legends speak of hidden alchemical formulas and enchanted relics still buried within the crystalline walls. Adventurers might explore the hamlet to uncover these secrets, facing challenges from magical traps and the spirits of those who once sought Hannah’s knowledge for their own dark purposes.

Cultural Concepts:

  • Faerie-Touched Agriculture: The people of P.E.I. have turned their farming practices into a magical art form. With the help of Feylin (faerie-like creatures), they produce crops with unique properties, such as glowing vegetables or fruits that enhance magical abilities. The island’s agriculture is both a source of pride and a critical part of its economy.
  • The Shifting Festivals: Reflecting the island’s illusory nature, P.E.I. hosts “Shifting Festivals” that change location and theme every year. These festivals are filled with illusionary performances, magical contests, and markets selling enchanted goods. They draw visitors from across the Maritime Compact.

Anticosti Dominion (Anicosti Island and Adjacent Banks)

Key Features for Adventurers:

  1. The Haunted Banks:\

    • Description: The waters around Anticosti Island are known for their treacherous currents and the ghosts of lost sailors. These banks are rich in resources, particularly magical reagents found in the deep sea, but they are also haunted by spirits and sea monsters. Adventurers may be hired to explore these dangerous waters or to lay restless spirits to rest.
    • Adventure Hooks: Recovering a sunken treasure protected by spirits, battling a sea monster terrorizing fishing communities, or seeking a rare reagent in the haunted depths.
          2.The Enigmatic Forests of Anticosti:

    • Description: The forests of Anticosti Island are ancient and filled with strange, otherworldly creatures. These woods are home to powerful fey beings, hidden druidic circles, and mysterious ruins. Adventurers might explore these forests seeking ancient knowledge, rare ingredients, or to resolve conflicts between the fey and human settlers.
    • Adventure Hooks: Investigating a mysterious disappearance in the forest, negotiating a peace treaty between warring fey factions, or discovering an ancient ruin with untold magical power.
         3. The Skyward Roosts of Bonaventure

o   Description: The Skyward Roosts of Bonaventure, nestled on the cliffs of Bonaventure Island in Percé, Québec, are home to more than 50,000 Northern Gannets. These majestic birds are said to be the guardians of ancient secrets hidden within the island's rugged terrain. The cliffs, constantly battered by wind and waves, resonate with the echoes of the gannets' calls, creating an eerie symphony that some believe is the voice of the island itself. The colony is not just a natural wonder but a living, breathing entity imbued with the spirit of the island, where the birds act as sentinels to a forgotten power.

o   Plot Hook: Adventurers are drawn to the Skyward Roosts by legends of a lost druidic temple hidden within the cliffs, accessible only when the gannets take to the sky in unison, revealing a hidden path. To uncover this secret, they must first navigate the treacherous cliffs and gain the favor of the gannets, possibly through a series of trials that test their connection to nature. The temple is rumored to house ancient relics of druidic magic, potent enough to alter the course of nature itself. However, disturbing the delicate balance of the island could provoke the wrath of both the gannets and the spirits of the druids who once worshipped there.


Cultural Concepts:

  • The Ghostkeeper Tradition: Reflecting the region’s haunted history, the people of this area have developed a unique tradition of “Ghostkeepers,” individuals who maintain the peace between the living and the dead. These Ghostkeepers are both respected and feared, wielding rituals and magic to manage the restless spirits of the region.
  • Fey-Infused Cuisine: The influence of the fey has led to a unique culinary tradition in the Quebec regions of the Federation. The locals prepare dishes that incorporate magical herbs and ingredients found only in the forests of Anticosti, believed to grant minor magical effects or enhance one’s connection to the spirit world.

Exploration Expeditions

In the Hodgepocalypse, the Maritime Compact has established itself as a formidable seafaring power, not only defending its waters but also pushing the boundaries of the known world through exploration expeditions. These ventures, inspired by the grand naval traditions of Earth's history, are essential to the Compact's survival and expansion in a post-apocalyptic world filled with mystery, danger, and opportunity.

Much like the age of exploration during Earth's Renaissance, the Maritime Compact's expeditions serve multiple purposes: they seek new lands and resources, establish contact with distant or isolated communities, and map uncharted territories. However, in the Hodgepocalypse, these missions are also critical for securing strategic advantages, uncovering ancient technologies, and navigating the complex web of magical anomalies that now litter the globe.

Structure of Exploration Expeditions

Leadership and Crew:

Each expedition is typically led by a seasoned captain, often a veteran of previous voyages, chosen for their knowledge of the seas and ability to make quick decisions in the face of the unknown. The crew is a mix of skilled sailors, combat-trained marines, and specialized personnel, including navigators, historians, scientists, and mages. This diverse team ensures that the expedition is prepared for anything from hostile encounters to diplomatic negotiations.

Vessels and Technology:

The Compact's ships are state-of-the-art, blending the best of ancient seafaring design with advanced, post-apocalyptic technology. Equipped with reinforced hulls, Faustian Mechanical gadgetry, and cutting-edge navigation systems, these vessels are capable of withstanding the harshest conditions, whether they are battling monstrous sea creatures or navigating through areas of unstable reality. Some ships are even fitted with experimental propulsion systems, allowing them to traverse vast distances faster than traditional sailing methods.

Terms of Service:

Service in the Compact's exploration fleet is both an honor and a responsibility. Crew members are often volunteers who seek adventure, prestige, or the chance to secure wealth and influence. However, participation in these expeditions is also a common part of the Compact's terms of service, particularly for those seeking to advance in military or governmental ranks. The expeditions are seen as a rite of passage, testing the mettle of the Compact's finest in the face of the unknown.


Oh, the year was 1778

How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now

A letter of marque came from the king

To the scummiest vessel I've ever seen



God damn them all, I was told

We'd cruise the seas for American gold

We'd fire no guns, shed no tears

Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier

The last of Barrett's privateers

-          Barrett’s Privateers, Stan Rogers


In the Hodgepocalypse, the tradition of privateering has been revived by the Maritime Compact as both a means of defense and a lucrative opportunity for its citizens. Much like the historical privateers who sailed under the protection of their nation’s flag, the privateers of the Compact are semi-independent adventurers who take to the seas in search of fortune, glory, and sometimes a bit of mischief.

Structure and Purpose

Privateering within the Compact is a hybrid of exploration, salvage, and sanctioned piracy. The Compact grants Letters of Marque to trusted individuals and crews, allowing them to operate as privateers. These documents not only legitimize their actions but also grant them certain legal protections and rights, including salvage rights to whatever they recover from their adventures.

Privateering Vessels

Privateering vessels in the Compact are often fast, agile ships equipped for both combat and exploration. While larger ships are used for major expeditions, privateers favor smaller, more maneuverable boats that allow them to quickly chase down targets, navigate treacherous waters, or make rapid escapes. These vessels are often outfitted with small landing craft or even motorcycles, which are stored onboard and used for quick forays onto land.

Motivations and Opportunities

  • Salvage Rights: One of the primary draws of privateering is the right to claim salvage from shipwrecks, ruins, and abandoned settlements. These spoils can include everything from valuable artifacts and rare resources to advanced technology and magical items. Salvaging is a dangerous but potentially highly profitable enterprise, attracting those with the skill and daring to succeed.
  • Adventuring: For many in the Compact, privateering is synonymous with adventuring. Just as adventurers might hop into a car and head off into the unknown, privateers hop into their boats and set sail on the high seas. These adventurers seek out danger, treasure, and glory, often facing off against sea monsters, hostile factions, and the unpredictable forces of nature. Their exploits are the stuff of legend, inspiring others to take up the mantle of privateering.
  • National Defense: Privateers also serve a strategic role in the Compact's defense. They are often tasked with harassing enemy shipping lanes, disrupting the activities of hostile factions, and gathering intelligence on the Compact’s rivals. In times of war, privateers can be called upon to supplement the Compact’s naval forces, using their intimate knowledge of the seas to outmaneuver and outfight larger, more conventional fleets.

The Risks of Privateering

While privateering offers significant rewards, it is not without its dangers. The high seas of the Hodgepocalypse are fraught with peril, from deadly storms and monstrous creatures to rival privateers and pirate factions. The Compact’s enemies may not recognize the legitimacy of privateers, treating them as common pirates and subjecting them to harsh reprisals if captured.

The Legacy of Privateering

Privateering has become a cornerstone of the Compact’s culture, blending the adventurous spirit of exploration with the ruthless pragmatism of survival. The privateers of the Compact are celebrated as heroes, villains, and everything in between, their stories woven into the fabric of the Compact’s identity. Through their exploits, the Compact not only defends its interests but also ensures that the spirit of adventure continues to thrive in a world where danger and opportunity are never far away.


Random Treasure Map Table

Roll 1d12 to determine the treasure map found:

1.       The Lost Cache of Captain Fishhook

Description: This map details the supposed location of Captain Fishhook's lost treasure, rumored to be hidden on a remote island guarded by spectral sailors. The map is scrawled on an ancient piece of parchment, with coordinates that only reveal themselves under moonlight.

Lore: Captain Fishhook, a legendary pirate hero from old-world tales, was said to have buried his loot after a betrayal by his crew. His treasure is rumored to include not just gold, but powerful relics of the pre-Revelations world.


2.       The Feylin's Forgotten Vault

Description: This colorful map leads to a hidden vault supposedly created by a group of Feylin obsessed with pre-Revelations movies. The vault is said to contain rare cinematic relics, costumes, and perhaps even artifacts from the fey world itself.

Lore: The vault was established by Feylin who sought to preserve their most beloved films and memorabilia. Rumor has it that the vault's entrance is guarded by a riddle involving classic movie quotes.

3.       Halfling Harvest Hoard

Description: A simple, well-worn map that claims to lead to a long-abandoned Halfling convoy, filled with supplies, foodstuffs, and family heirlooms left behind in haste.

Lore: The convoy was lost during a rapid escape from a nameless evil. According to Halfling tradition, the convoy’s leader buried their most valuable items before leading their people through a mysterious portal to safety.


4.       The Shattered Oath of the Storm King

Description: A map etched into the metal hull of a sunken ship, leading to the ruins of a fortress beneath the waves where the Storm King, a figure from local maritime myths, kept his cursed weapon.

Lore: The Storm King was a tyrant who ruled the seas with an iron fist, making a pact with dark forces to control the weather. His weapon, said to channel the fury of storms, was lost when his fortress was swallowed by the sea.

5.       Bruce the Mighty’s Final Stand

Description: A tattered flyer from a bygone cinema that doubles as a map. It details the location where Bruce the Mighty supposedly made his last stand against unspeakable evil. The treasure is rumored to be a collection of weapons and armor once wielded by Bruce himself.

Lore: Bruce the Mighty, a cult hero among the Feylin, is said to have left behind a hidden cache of gear somewhere in the wastelands. Many have sought it, hoping to emulate Bruce’s legendary feats.

6.       The Treasure of Oak Island

Description: A faded, hand-drawn map with markings leading to Oak Island, where numerous excavations have taken place. The map highlights an area said to be untouched, where the real treasure lies buried under layers of traps and puzzles.

Lore: Oak Island has been the focus of treasure hunters for centuries, with many believing it holds the buried wealth of pirates, knights, or even ancient civilizations. The map's authenticity is debated, but its promise of riches has lured many to their doom.

7.       Whispering Woods

Description: A map drawn in a style reminiscent of a children’s storybook, leading to an enchanted forest where a magical artifact lies hidden. The forest is known for its mischievous fey inhabitants and shifting paths.

Lore: The Whispering Woods are said to be a gateway to the fey world, where the lines between reality and illusion blur. The artifact within is said to grant the power to commune with nature spirits.

8.       Halfling Feast of Legends

Description: A well-preserved recipe book with a treasure map hidden in its pages. The map leads to a hidden Halfling enclave where a legendary feast was once held. The treasure is said to be a pantry stocked with ancient, enchanted foods.

Lore: Halfling tales speak of a grand feast prepared during their travels. The foods at this feast were said to have magical properties, granting those who ate them enhanced abilities or even immortality.

9.       The Crystal Caverns of Feylin’s Delight

Description: A map sketched on the back of an old comic book, leading to a network of glowing crystal caverns beneath the earth. The caverns are rumored to be filled with precious gems and artifacts of fey origin.

Lore: The Feylin, ever in pursuit of the wondrous and strange, once made a pilgrimage to these caverns. The crystals within are said to hold the essence of pure magic, making them highly sought after by adventurers.

10.   The Sunken City of the Halfling Kings

Description: An ancient, water-stained map depicting a once-great Halfling city now lost beneath the waves. The city is said to hold the royal treasury, filled with gold and relics from the Halfling homeland.

Lore: The Halfling Kings, driven from their green glens, took with them the treasures of their people. When their city was lost to the sea, so too were their riches. The map is believed to lead to an air pocket within the city, where the treasury remains untouched.

11.   The Infernal Forge of the Salamander Lords

Description: A blackened, fireproof map that leads to a hidden forge deep within a volcano, where Salamander Lords crafted weapons of immense power. The forge is said to still burn with the fires of creation.

Lore: The Salamander Lords, creatures of fire, used this forge to create weapons imbued with elemental fury. Many seek these weapons, but few can withstand the heat of the forge long enough to claim them.

12.   The Phantom Gold of Blackbeard

Description: A charred map found in a shipwreck, purportedly leading to Blackbeard’s lost hoard. The treasure is said to be cursed, guarded by the vengeful spirit of the infamous pirate himself.

Lore: Blackbeard, one of the most feared pirates of his time, was rumored to have hidden his treasure before his death. Legends say that those who seek it are doomed to encounter his wrathful ghost, ensuring the gold remains lost forever.

Privateer Flags

The following are flags to use for your own privateers...enjoy. :)


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