The Garter Folk, an anthropomorphic serpent-like people, have crafted a distinct technological aesthetic that blends their natural agility with the retro-futuristic charm of 1950s dieselpunk and atompunk. Their gadgets and weapons are built around glowing vacuum tubes, chrome finishes, and buzzing machinery, with excessive waste heat considered a signature of their designs. However, there are some technology that goes the other way to take advantage of the natural stealth abilities.
Venom and Toxins
Garter Folk are typically only mildly poisonous, but they skillfully enhance their venomous saliva and natural musk with potent herbalism and pharmaceuticals, transforming their abilities into a remarkable weapon.Access and Crafting Levels:
Mild Neurotoxin: Available to characters around level 3 when herbalism kits and poisoner's kits become more accessible.
Pheromone Cloud: Available at level 5 due to its ability to manipulate groups and creatures with a reasonable saving throw DC.
Hemotoxic Serum: Available around level 7 as it starts dealing significant ongoing damage.
Neurotoxic Dream Draught: Accessible at level 9, with stronger mind-altering effects suitable for higher-level encounters.
Cardiotoxic Elixir: High-level concoction available at level 11, capable of potentially killing powerful foes.
Summary of Crafting DCs:
1. Mild Neurotoxin: DC 13
2. Pheromone Cloud: DC 15
3. Hemotoxic Serum: DC 17
4. Neurotoxic Dream Draught: DC 19
5. Cardiotoxic Elixir: DC 22
Mild Neurotoxin (Level 3)
Description: This concoction enhances the weak venom found in the Garter Folk's saliva. When applied to a weapon or delivered through a bite, it disrupts the target's nervous system, causing muscle spasms and mild paralysis.
Effect: The target must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are poisoned for 1 minute and suffer disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls.
Crafting Materials: Local neurotoxic plants (like belladonna), venom from small animals, and stimulants.
Cost: 20 GB for one dose (lasts 1 minute if applied to a weapon or lasts for one bite).
Real-Life Basis: Certain garter snakes are known to consume toxic newts and retain their toxins to enhance their own venom, causing temporary paralysis in prey.
2. Pheromone Cloud (Level 5)
Description: The Garter Folk’s natural musk can be distilled and enhanced to produce a cloud of pheromones that attracts or repels creatures.
Effect: When used, this concoction creates a 10-foot radius cloud for 1 minute. Creatures in the cloud must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed or frightened (user's choice). Creatures affected can remake the save at the end of each of their turns. If charmed, creatures will prioritize following the Garter Folk or leaving the area if frightened.
Crafting Materials: Distilled pheromones, herbs that trigger attraction or fear, and minor hallucinogens.
Cost: 75 GB for one dose (lasts 1 minute).
Real-Life Basis: Garter snakes use pheromones during mating seasons to attract partners, and some snakes excrete a foul-smelling musk to ward off predators.
3. Hemotoxic Serum (Level 7)
Description: This concoction enhances the Garter Folk’s saliva to create a hemotoxin that damages blood vessels and prevents coagulation.
Effect: The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they suffer 3d6 poison damage immediately, and an additional 1d6 poison damage at the end of each of their turns for 1 minute. A successful save halves the initial damage and prevents the ongoing effect.
Crafting Materials: Extracts from venomous snakes (like rattlesnakes), blood-thinning herbs (like garlic), and anti-clotting agents.
Cost: 150 GB for one dose (lasts for one bite or applied to one weapon).
Real-Life Basis: Hemotoxins are commonly found in pit viper venoms, which destroy red blood cells and cause internal bleeding.
4. Neurotoxic Dream Draught (Level 9)
Description: By refining neurotoxins into a concentrated brew, the Garter Folk can create a concoction that induces vivid hallucinations and an altered mental state.
Effect: The target must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they are stunned for 1 minute, experiencing disorienting hallucinations. At the end of each of their turns, they may remake the saving throw. While stunned, they are incapacitated and unaware of their surroundings.
Crafting Materials: Psilocybin mushrooms or similar hallucinogens, garter venom, and neurotoxic herbs.
Cost: 300 GB for one dose (lasts for one bite or inhaled in a gaseous form).
Real-Life Basis: Garter snakes' neurotoxins cause prey to experience temporary disorientation and paralysis, which has been exaggerated in this draught.
5. Cardiotoxic Elixir (Level 11)
Description: This deadly concoction is a blend of toxins that targets the cardiovascular system, inducing cardiac arrest or failure in its victims.
Effect: The target must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they suffer 4d8 poison damage and become paralyzed as their heart begins to fail. At the end of each of their turns, they can make another Constitution saving throw. On three consecutive failures, the target dies.
Crafting Materials: Digitalis (foxglove), garter venom, and venom from animals with cardio-inhibitory effects (such as certain frogs or marine life).
Cost: 500 GB for one dose (lasts for one bite or applied to a weapon).
Real-Life Basis: Certain snake venoms can inhibit the heart’s ability to function properly, leading to cardiac failure or death.
Weapons & Combat Gear
Coil Bolas
A set of bolas designed to trip and constrict enemies, made from durable synthetic fibers that mimic their own constricting ability. These would work well with their quick, slithery movements.
• Weapon Type: Ranged Weapon (Martial, Thrown)
• Damage: 1d4 bludgeoning (on hit), plus additional effects based on constriction
• Range: 20/60 feet
• Weight: 2 lbs
• Cost: 30 GB
• Properties: Thrown, finesse, special
• Rarity: Uncommon
Special Properties:
• Constriction: On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained as the bolas constrict around them. A restrained creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns as the bolas tighten.
• Escape: A creature can use its action to make a DC 14 Strength check to free itself from the bolas. Alternatively, an adjacent creature can use an action to assist the restrained target, allowing them to make a DC 12 Dexterity check to free the target.
• Reusability: The Coil Bolas can be retrieved and reused after each throw unless damaged or destroyed.
Combat Usage:
• Constriction Mechanism: When the Coil Bolas hit a creature, the synthetic fibers automatically tighten around the target, simulating the Garter Folk's natural constriction abilities. The bolas are particularly effective at incapacitating fast or lightly armored foes.
Restrained Condition:
- A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.
- Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.
- The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Tactical Use:
- Quick Immobilization: The Coil Bolas are perfect for slowing down and restraining fast-moving enemies or targets attempting to flee.
- Gradual Pressure: The gradual bludgeoning damage simulates the tightening effect of constriction, weakening the enemy over time while they struggle to escape.
- Non-Lethal Control: Ideal for capturing targets alive or preventing escape without lethal force.
Crafting DC:
• DC 15 (for characters proficient in Tinker's Tools or Weavers' Tools) to craft Coil Bolas from durable synthetic materials. Crafting requires at least 15 GB in materials for one set.
- Heavy Coil Bolas: A heavier version that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage on hit and increases the Dexterity saving throw DC to 15. However, the range decreases to 15/45 feet. Cost: 40 GB.
- Barbed Coil Bolas: This variant includes small barbs that dig into the target’s skin, dealing an additional 1d4 piercing damage when the bolas first hit. Cost: 45 GB.
Dart Guns
Air-powered or CO2-based dart guns, used by wildlife conservationists in the 20th century, are adapted for tactical use.
- Weapon Type: Ranged Weapon (Martial)
- Damage: 1 piercing (base), with additional effects based on the dart used.
- Range: 25/100
- Cost: 75 GB for the gun, 20-50 GB per specialized dart.
- Special Ammunition: Paralyzing Dart, Sleeping Dart, Poisoned Dart, Tracking Dart, Blinding Dart.
- Use: Ideal for stealth missions, capturing foes, or non-lethal engagements.
1. Paralyzing Dart
- Effect: The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
- Cost: 25 GB per dart (due to the venom and craftsmanship involved).
- Use: Ideal for incapacitating targets without killing them, especially for capture or interrogation.
2. Sleeping Dart
- Effect: The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 hour. The target wakes up if they take damage or if someone uses an action to shake them awake.
- Cost: 20 GB per dart.
- Use: Non-lethal option to render a target unconscious, good for stealth or abduction missions.
3. Poisoned Dart
- Effect: The target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the poisoned condition.
- Cost: 30 GB per dart (due to the dangerous nature of the poison).
- Use: Useful for weakening enemies before engaging in combat.
4. Tracking Dart
- Effect: No immediate damage. Instead, the dart embeds a magical tracker (similar to the Locate Object spell) that allows the shooter to track the target within 500 feet for up to 24 hours. Requires concentration to focus on the tracker.
- Cost: 50 GB per dart (due to the magical properties).
- Use: Perfect for keeping tabs on someone or tracking a target without needing to physically follow them.
5. Blinding Dart
- Effect: The target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. The target can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.
- Cost: 20 GB per dart.
- Use: Provides a tactical advantage in combat by temporarily blinding the target.
Additional Properties:
- Silent: Because dart guns rely on compressed air or similar mechanisms, they make very little noise when fired. Attacks made with the dart gun are not automatically heard unless a creature is within 15 feet of the shooter, in which case they must make a DC 15 Perception check to hear the shot.
- Non-Lethal Option: A dart gun can deliver non-lethal damage if the dart's effects are meant to incapacitate or paralyze rather than kill.
Sticky Venom Mines
Small, adhesive mines that can be placed on surfaces or thrown at enemies. Upon detonation, they release a sticky substance laced with venom that slows or incapacitates targets.
- Type: Throwable Device / Trap
- Damage: No direct damage; effects are based on venom and adhesive substance.
- Range: 20 feet (thrown)
- Weight: 1 lb (per mine)
- Cost: 50 GB (per mine)
- Rarity: Uncommon
Adhesive Explosion: When the mine is triggered (either manually or by proximity), it detonates, releasing a sticky, venom-laced substance in a 10-foot radius. All creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be affected by the mine's venom and adhesive.
Failure on Dexterity Save:
Restrained: A creature that fails the saving throw is restrained by the sticky substance. The restrained creature can attempt to break free by making a DC 13 Strength check as an action on its turn.
Venomous Effect: A creature restrained by the substance must also make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the poisoned condition on a success.
Successful Dexterity Save:
On a success, the creature avoids being restrained but its movement speed is halved for 1 minute as the sticky substance clings to them.
Combat Usage:
Set the Trap: The mine can be placed on surfaces (walls, floors, or ceilings) as a trap. It can be thrown at a target or used to set up defensive zones in advance. Triggering the mine requires either a creature moving within 5 feet of it, or it can be manually triggered by the person who placed it.
Throwing the Mine: As an action, the mine can be thrown up to 20 feet. Upon impact, it detonates in the same 10-foot radius, affecting creatures in that area.
Tactical Use:
- Area Denial: Perfect for blocking off corridors, doorways, or choke points to slow down or restrain enemies.
- Incapacitation: The venomous nature of the mines allows them to both restrain and poison targets, making them highly vulnerable to further attacks from the Garter Folk or other allies.
- Non-Lethal Control: The Sticky Venom Mines are useful for capturing or disabling enemies without lethal force, making them ideal for ambushes or defensive tactics.
Crafting DC:
• DC 15 (for characters proficient with Tinker’s Tools or Poisoner’s Kit) to craft a Sticky Venom Mine. Crafting requires at least 25 GB in materials and access to venom.
- Paralyzing Venom Mine: A variant that applies a paralyzing venom instead of poison. The creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the paralysis on a success. Cost: 75 GB per mine.
- Explosive Sticky Mine: In addition to the adhesive and venom effects, this version deals 2d6 fire damage on detonation. Cost: 100 GB per mine.
This versatile trap is ideal for Garter Folk and any group that focuses on stealth, control, or ambush tactics.
Suppressor (for Ranged Weapons)
- Cost: 200 GB
- Description: A suppressor is a cylindrical device that attaches to the end of a ranged weapon, muffling the sound of the projectile being fired. It can be used with firearms It is typically made of treated wood, metal, or other sound-dampening materials, designed to make shots quieter and harder to detect.
- Stealth Enhancement: When a weapon with a suppressor fires, creatures within 30 feet of the shooter cannot hear the shot unless they succeed on a DC 15 Perception check (modified by distance and environmental factors). This allows the shooter to remain hidden when making ranged attacks, if they are otherwise concealed.
- For example, if the shooter is hidden before making an attack, they can remain hidden even after firing, provided they take steps to avoid being visually detected and there are no loud impacts (e.g., hitting metal armor).
- Range Impact: The suppressor reduces the weapon’s effective range slightly, lowering the weapon’s normal range by 20% (rounded down). For example, an Auto pistol with a range of 30/120 would become 24/96 while the suppressor is attached. The reduction reflects the impact of the suppressor on the projectile’s speed or aerodynamics.
- Precision Penalty: Due to the impact of the suppressor on the weapon's balance or projectile path, attacks made with a suppressed weapon have -1 to attack rolls. This penalty reflects the slight difficulty in aiming caused by the suppressor’s weight and impact on weapon dynamics.
The Garterfolk usually use a SMG or Micro Gatling. With these suppressors for quiet, stealthy operations. The Garter Folk’s focus on hit-and-run tactics would favor these over bulkier firearms.
They also prefer Sniper Rifles for Defense of territory from afar, or taking down key targets from stealthy vantage points.
Tripwire Nets
Garter Folk would utilize light tripwire-activated nets, similar to those used by law enforcement. These nets constrict and tighten around captured enemies, leveraging their natural knowledge of constriction.
- Type: Mechanical Trap (can also be used as equipment)
- Weight: 5 lbs
- Cost: 50 GB (for a pre-made, reusable net trap)
- Range: The trap can be set up to cover a 10 ft x 10 ft area.
- Trigger: A creature stepping into the area covered by the tripwire must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by the net.
- Effect: When a creature is restrained by the net, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength check to free itself. The net automatically constricts, applying the restrained condition to the target. If left for 3 rounds without escape, the net deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage per round due to its constriction, as it tightens around the target.
- Reusable: The net can be reused if recovered and undamaged. Reusing the net after a successful capture requires a successful DC 10 Dexterity check to reset the tripwire mechanism (takes 1 minute to reset).
- Silent Capture: The net can trap targets without noise, making it ideal for stealthy situations or ambushes.
- Restraining: A creature restrained by the net has disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws, and its movement speed becomes 0.
Combat Usage:
- Setting the Trap: It takes 5 minutes to set up a tripwire net and requires a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to do so without being noticed.
- Escaping the Net: The restrained creature can attempt a DC 13 Strength check to break free, or a creature adjacent to the restrained creature can use an action to free them with a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
Tactical Use:
- Trapping Intruders: Garter Folk use these nets to incapacitate or immobilize enemies before engaging in direct combat, giving them time to flee or prepare other actions.
- Ambush Tool: Excellent for setting ambushes or securing areas like doorways, trails, or choke points.
- Non-Lethal Immobilization: Allows for the capture of targets without risking their lives, particularly useful for capturing enemies for questioning.
Crafting DC:
• DC 14 (for characters with proficiency in Tinker's Tools or Weavers' Tools) to craft a reusable tripwire net from materials, requiring at least 25 GB in materials.
- Weighted Net: An upgraded version that increases the Strength DC to 15 to escape but deals no bludgeoning damage. Cost: 75 GB.
- Poisoned Tripwire: A variation that coats the net with poison. If the target fails the Dexterity saving throw to avoid the trap, they must also succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. Cost: 100 GB.
Tools & Utility Equipment
Besides using radios and flares for communication, the garter folk have done some adjustments to maximize utility.
Coilback Packs
- Price: 10 GB
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: 2 lb (empty)
- Capacity: The Coilback Pack can carry up to 30 pounds of equipment, distributed in smaller compartments across the Garter Folk’s body.
- Special: Adapted to the physiology of Garter Folk, it doesn’t impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, unlike typical backpacks.
- Use: Ideal for long-term missions, it can store tools, rations, or ammunition without hindering agility or movement.
Flashlights with Red Filters
- Price: 15 GB (handheld), 25 GB (helmet-mounted)
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 1 lb (handheld), 0.5 lb (helmet-mounted)
- Use: Grants 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light in low-light or dark environments.
- Red Filter Effect: When using the red filter, the light becomes dim light only, up to 30 feet, which does not disrupt darkvision or stealth checks. Perception checks relying on sight in dim light are made with advantage when using this filter.
- Special: When used in stealth operations, those attempting to detect the light source via standard perception checks must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Pheromone Communicators
- Price: 50 GB
- Rarity: Rare
- Weight: 0.5 lb
- Range: 120 feet.
- Effect: Allows Garter Folk to silently communicate through pheromones over a short range. Non-Garter Folk cannot detect these signals without a specialized tool or magical means.
- Special: Requires an Intelligence (Medicine) check (DC 18) to detect or counter these pheromone signals if not a Garter Folk. Messages sent are basic, such as directions or emotional states.
- Duration: Lasts indefinitely but requires concentration to communicate detailed messages (similar to the Message cantrip). Simple signals can be passively emitted.
Tail Grappling Hook
- Price: 75 GB
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 5 lb
- Range: 50 feet (max range).
- Use: As an action, the user can fire the grappling hook to latch onto a solid surface within 50 feet. A Strength (Athletics) check (DC 12) is required to secure the hook. Once secured, the Garter Folk can climb or swing as part of their movement, treating the grappling hook as part of their natural movement (up to half their speed while climbing).
- Special: Firing the grappling hook is a ranged attack (use Dexterity) with a range of 50 feet. On a hit, the hook latches on and allows for quick escapes, climbing, or traversal in urban environments. Firing the grappling hook does not occupy the hands, but retraction and resetting the hook take an action.
1. Coil Tanks
Light, mobile armored vehicles that can “coil” and compress into compact forms for easier movement through rough terrain. They could deploy venom gas or immobilizing mines as part of their armament.
o Use: Offers a compact, agile defensive unit with venom-based artillery.
2. Slithercycles
Lightweight, fast-moving motorbikes adapted to the Garter Folk’s serpentine movement. These vehicles are low-profile and designed for speed and maneuverability.
o Use: Urban transportation, messengers, or recon scouts.
3. Venom-Tipped Drones
Small flying or crawling drones that can deliver venomous payloads or act as scouts for reconnaissance missions. These drones would be controlled via neural interface or pheromonal signals.
o Use: Equipped with tiny venomous stingers, useful for disabling enemies or marking targets.
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