Friday, September 27, 2024

Maritime Compact - Part 4 - Moncton: The City at the Crossroads


Geography and Strategic Importance
Moncton lies at the heart of the Maritime Compact, straddling the intersection of trade routes between New Brunswick and the rest of the compact. Its location makes it a natural hub for logistics, communication, and defense, bridging the resource-rich forests of the west with the coastal strongholds of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The city is strategically located near the Petitcodiac River, which remains a vital artery for transportation, linking inland settlements to the Atlantic coast.

The City’s Role in the Compact
Moncton, known as “The Crossroads City,” serves as a key logistical and military hub within the Maritime Compact. Post-Hodgepocalypse, the city has undergone extensive reconstruction, blending pre-apocalyptic urban layouts with advanced techno-wizardry and Faustian Mechanics. Massive arcane pylons now power the city, blending magic and renewable energy sources, and its fortified walls make Moncton a crucial stopover for trade convoys and military reinforcements heading toward the Atlantic Stronghold.

Moncton's role extends beyond military and trade functions— it has become a cultural and educational hub. Several Faustian academies, gnomish inventors' workshops, and magical research facilities have sprouted in the city, making it a haven for those eager to push the boundaries of post-apocalyptic technology and magic. The city has a vibrant cosmopolitan feel, attracting species from across the Compact, including humans, dwarves, gnomes, and even Malarkoids who have set up permanent residences.

Historical Inspirations and Key Events

Industrial Legacy and Shipbuilding
Historically, Moncton was known for its shipbuilding industry, a tradition that continues into the Hodgepocalypse. The city’s shipyards have been restored to produce both seafaring vessels and arcane-powered submarines to patrol the waters between the Compact and the République de la Nuit, where undead threats from Quebec must be kept at bay. Dwarves and gnomes collaborate on these projects, ensuring that Moncton's shipyards remain cutting-edge.

The Vampiric Wars and the Necromantic Threat
One of the most pivotal events in Moncton’s modern history was its defense during the Vampiric Wars, a period where the forces of the République de la Nuit attempted to breach the Maritime Compact's borders. Moncton became the front line of defense, earning its people a reputation for resilience and bravery. The city's defense relied on a combination of enchanted artillery and techno-wizardry-powered fortifications. To this day, Moncton's citizens celebrate "Resilience Day" to commemorate their victory.

Cultural Tapestry
Moncton's melting-pot nature was accelerated by the migration of displaced peoples and species during the Hodgepocalypse. The city's diverse neighborhoods reflect the broader cultural blending within the Compact. Dwarves, known for their craftsmanship, occupy the industrial districts, working alongside gnomes on technological projects. Feylin enclaves dot the city, where their penchant for pop culture is embraced, and they contribute with entertainment and lighthearted performances that uplift the spirits of the weary populace.

Factions in Moncton

  • The Riverkeepers: A faction of gnome and human navigators who oversee trade and defense along the Petitcodiac River. They manage the docks and ensure that ships traveling up and down the river are well-armed to defend against threats from the undead or raiders. Their headquarters is a massive floating platform in the river itself, combining tech and magic.

  • The Steel Legion: A semi-autonomous militia that defends Moncton and the surrounding areas, heavily influenced by dwarven and human martial traditions. These warriors have become experts in combating the industrial undead and mechanical monstrosities that sometimes emerge from Quebec.

  • The College of Faustian Innovation: This academic body, largely gnomish and Malarkoid in membership, oversees much of Moncton's research into Faustian Mechanics. They are responsible for the city’s arcane-powered infrastructure, and their inventions have revolutionized agriculture, defense, and communication throughout the Compact.

  • The Unseen Cartel: A covert guild of rogues, spies, and shadow brokers operating in Moncton's underbelly. They monitor trade routes and provide valuable intelligence about both internal and external threats. While they operate in the shadows, the city council maintains a delicate relationship with them, recognizing their importance in a world filled with constant danger.

  • The Nightwatchers: A secretive group of scouts and rogues responsible for espionage and sabotage, especially when dealing with threats from the République de la Nuit.  They are primarily gnomes and feylin dressed as a post-apocalyptic recon unit based loosely on half remembered manuals of the canadian military.

Moncton’s Environment and Survival

  • Faustian Machinery and Magic: Everyday life in Moncton revolves around Faustian technology. People use enchanted machines to maintain agriculture in a post-apocalyptic landscape where traditional farming is difficult. Moncton’s markets are filled with enchanted tools, weapons, and devices built by local gnomish tinkerers and Faustian artisans.
  • Underground Bunkers: The fear of sudden attack from vampiric or undead forces has led to the construction of extensive underground bunkers beneath the city. Dwarven engineers designed these bunkers, which can house entire neighborhoods in case of invasion. The tunnels also serve as escape routes or smuggling lanes for black market goods or information.

Regions and Locations of note

The Hub (Downtown Moncton)

    • Historical Inspiration: Historically, Moncton is known as "The Hub City" due to its central role in transportation and trade in the Maritimes.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: Now, The Hub serves as the administrative and economic center of the Maritime Compact in the region. A mix of towering arcane-augmented skyscrapers and fortified trade hubs form a skyline defended by techno-magical barriers. It's a bustling zone where Faustian Mechanics factories churn out defense mechanisms, enchanted weapons, and technology crucial to the Compact’s defense.

    • Notable Locations:
      • Federation Assembly Hall: The primary government building where the Federation Assembly meets. It's a heavily fortified structure that blends both traditional architecture and arcane enhancements, with a large dome symbolizing unity.
      • The Hub Tower: The tallest structure in Moncton, this building doubles as a communications tower and an arcane power station, collecting energy from the surrounding ley lines.
      • The Faustian Arcology: A district within the Hub dedicated to the fusion of magic and machinery, where the elite Faustian Mechanics tinker with new designs.

    • Plot Hooks:
      • The Stolen Prototype: A secretive Faustian Mechanic project has gone missing from the Faustian Arcology, and it's rumored to be a powerful war machine. The party is hired by either the government or a criminal syndicate to retrieve or sabotage the prototype.
      • Political Espionage: A faction within the Federation Assembly is trying to overthrow the current leadership, and the party is tasked with uncovering the conspirators. This mission could involve blackmail, heists, and navigating a web of political intrigue.
      • Ley Line Sabotage: The Hub Tower has begun malfunctioning, disrupting communications across the Maritime Compact. Investigating the tower reveals that someone—or something—is tampering with the city's ley lines, and the adventurers must delve into the arcane workings of the tower to set things right.

The Necromancer's Belt (Old East End)

    • Historical Inspiration: Moncton’s East End is historically known as an older residential and industrial area. During the post-apocalypse, this area became a battleground.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: Now called The Necromancer's Belt, this district bears the scars of battles fought during the Necromantic Wars. It’s a haunted zone with skeletal remains of buildings, inhabited by renegade necromancers and undead. While some sections have been reclaimed, the area is dangerous, filled with dark magic, rogue spirits, and illegal Faustian experiments.

    • Notable Locations:
      • The Black Maw: A partially collapsed industrial district overtaken by a dimensional rift, leading to a pocket of the ethereal plane where necromancers experiment with forbidden magics.
      • Ruined Cathedral of St. Michael: A once-grand cathedral destroyed during the wars, now a place where rogue magicians and warlocks dabble in necromantic spells. It’s a hotspot for illicit arcane activities.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  Haunted Streets: Something has reawakened the spirits in the Ruined Cathedral of St. Michael, and they’re terrorizing the nearby inhabitants. The party is hired to investigate, only to discover a powerful necromancer is experimenting with binding souls.

§  The Black Maw Expedition: An underground rift at The Black Maw has opened wider, and an exploratory team sent to map its depths has vanished. The adventurers are hired to locate the missing team and discover the cause of the strange magical disturbances in the area.

§  Warlocks in the Shadows: A rogue cabal of warlocks operating out of the Belt has been spotted dabbling in forbidden magic. The city’s leadership wants them eliminated quietly before the dark magic spreads—but the warlocks may have knowledge vital to an even greater threat looming over Moncton.

Riverside Haven (Petitcodiac Riverfront)

    • Historical Inspiration: Moncton’s riverfront, bordering the Petitcodiac River, has long been a hub for commerce, fishing, and transportation.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: Riverside Haven is a thriving district known for its fisheries, aquatic trade, and transportation via the still-active waterways. The riverfront has been heavily fortified to defend against raiders and hostile forces from Quebec. Enchanted docks are built to protect the area from the undead or magical attacks coming from upriver.
    • Notable Locations:
      • The Shimmering Locks: A series of magical locks controlling river traffic. These locks can raise powerful arcane barriers to block access when needed, and serve as an additional line of defense against invading forces.
      • River Keep: A floating fortress on the river, designed by Dwarves and Gnomes, serving as both a defense outpost and a major shipping hub.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  The Smugglers' Ring: With trade between the city and upriver settlements disrupted by undead raiders, the party is asked to infiltrate a smuggling operation in the Shimmering Locks. However, they soon discover that the smugglers may be dealing with much darker forces than simple contraband.

§  The Siren’s Call: Strange singing has been luring river workers to their deaths, and people fear a new type of fey or aquatic undead might be stalking the waterways. The adventurers must track the source of the threat and eliminate it before more lives are lost.

§  Raid on River Keep: The River Keep fortress has been overtaken by a group of Quebec undead or rogue mercenaries, cutting off Moncton’s river trade. The adventurers are tasked with retaking the fortress, but the enemy has fortified their position with both arcane defenses and brutal combatants.

The Forge Quarters (Historical Industrial Zone)

    • Historical Inspiration: Moncton has a legacy of industry, especially in transportation and manufacturing.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: The Forge Quarters has become a hub of arcane forges and workshops, with Dwarves and Gnomes producing enchanted weapons, arcane machines, and other magical technologies. It’s a bustling area with constant production.
    • Notable Locations:
      • The Iron Council: The Dwarven-run guildhall where key decisions about the city's industrial development and defenses are made.
      • The Grand Forge: The largest of the city’s forges, a vast underground facility where enchanted steel and other materials are crafted for the entire region.
    • Plot Hooks:
      • The Runaway Construct: An experimental arcane construct created in The Grand Forge has gone rogue, attacking workers and threatening to destroy key infrastructure. The party must find a way to shut it down, but the construct's creator is hiding something critical about its origin.
      • Sabotage in the Forge: A series of mysterious explosions have crippled the Dwarven forges. The adventurers are hired to investigate, leading them to a rival faction seeking to cripple Moncton’s production capabilities—perhaps agents from the République de la Nuit.
      • The Gnome Rebellion: Tensions are rising between the Dwarves and Gnomes working in the forges, as accusations of sabotage and theft abound. The adventurers must mediate between the two groups, or risk the collapse of the city’s industrial sector. However, darker forces may be stoking these flames for their own ends.

Westfort (Old West End)

    • Historical Inspiration: The West End of Moncton was a primarily residential area.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: Now called Westfort, this area has been transformed into a massive fortification. Many of the old residential neighborhoods have been converted into military outposts, housing for soldiers, and defensive battlements to keep the western frontier of the city safe from potential Quebec incursions.
    • Notable Locations:
      • Fort MacNaughton: The largest defensive structure in the city, a sprawling fortress that serves as both a military headquarters and a training facility for the Compact’s forces.
      • The Westwall: A massive enchanted barrier constructed to prevent undead forces or rogue marauders from entering the city from the west.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  Defending the Westwall: A large undead horde is marching from the west, and the defenders of Fort MacNaughton need reinforcements. The adventurers are hired to lead a defense or perhaps undertake a daring raid to disrupt the horde’s leadership. 

§  Conspiracy within the Ranks: Evidence has surfaced of a traitor in the Westwall, leaking information to Quebec forces. The party is tasked with uncovering the mole before critical defenses are compromised, but this conspiracy may reach far higher than they expect.


§  The Siege of Fort MacNaughton: The party finds themselves trapped inside the fortress as a surprise attack from rogue undead factions cuts off the city’s communication with Westfort. Can the adventurers hold the line until reinforcements arrive, or will they have to find a way to break the siege?

The Feylin Expanse (Magnetic Hill Area)

    • Historical Inspiration: Magnetic Hill is one of Moncton’s most famous tourist attractions, known for its optical illusion.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: Now an area filled with Feylin settlements, The Feylin Expanse is a quirky and eccentric district where Feylin communities have thrived. Their love of pop culture has turned Magnetic Hill into a center for their unique blend of playful magic and scavenged artifacts from pre-apocalyptic culture.

    • Notable Locations:
      • The Neon Market: A bustling open-air market filled with glowing magical items, quirky scavenged tech, and pop-culture artifacts.
      • The Hill of Wonders: A magical recreation of the famous Magnetic Hill illusion, but now powered by arcane energy. It’s both a tourist attraction and a magical testing ground.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  Pop Culture Obsession: Fey creatures in the Neon Market have become obsessed with collecting ancient pop-culture relics, including one powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power in Moncton. The adventurers must either outbid or outwit fey traders in order to secure it. 

§  The Hill of Wonders Unraveled: Something has gone wrong with the magical recreation of Magnetic Hill, and now people who visit the Hill of Wonders are vanishing into alternate dimensions. The party is hired to explore these dimensions and rescue the victims, but the cause may be something far more sinister than a malfunctioning attraction.

§  Fey Revolt: Feylin factions in the Expanse are planning a rebellion against the Maritime Compact’s government, claiming they are being exploited for their knowledge and resources. The adventurers are caught between supporting the Feylin’s independence or maintaining peace in Moncton.

The Highlands (Centennial Park)

    • Historical Inspiration: Centennial Park is one of Moncton's large, green public spaces.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: The Highlands has become a sanctuary for nature and magic. Druids, rangers, and fey creatures have transformed this park into a sacred space filled with natural beauty, magical groves, and ancient fey portals. It also serves as a neutral ground where diplomatic matters with Fey and Sylvan races are conducted.
    • Notable Locations:
      • The Whispering Glade: A sacred grove where Rainmakers commune with nature spirits and hold seasonal festivals.
      • The Ley Nexus: A powerful convergence of ley lines located in the heart of the park, often used by wizards and mages for rituals and arcane experimentation.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  Spirit of the Glade: Something is corrupting the Whispering Glade, turning the normally peaceful spirits into hostile entities. The adventurers are hired to cleanse the corruption, but they soon find that it stems from a deeper conflict between the fey and the spirits of the land.

§  The Ley Nexus Overload: A dangerous magical anomaly has appeared at the Ley Nexus, threatening to destabilize Moncton’s ley line network. The party must venture into the heart of the Nexus to prevent a city-wide disaster—but what they find there could forever alter Moncton’s magical foundations.

§ Rainmaker's Betrayal: A Rainmaker cult has emerged in the Highlands, claiming they seek to restore nature’s balance. However, their methods involve sacrificing the city’s inhabitants. The adventurers must stop the cult before they complete a ritual that could unleash an apocalyptic disaster.

The Outer Reaches (Dieppe and Riverview)

    • Historical Inspiration: Dieppe and Riverview are neighboring communities across the river from Moncton.
    • Post-Apocalyptic Adaptation: These areas have become satellite cities of Moncton, primarily focused on agricultural production, refugee housing, and resource gathering. They also house a few refugee communities who fled from Quebec during the Necromantic Wars.
    • Notable Locations:
      • The Refugee Barracks: A large community of displaced people from the frontlines of the Quebec conflict.
      • The Sky Gardens: Enormous floating greenhouses built by gnomes, supplying food to Moncton and the surrounding areas.

o   Plot Hooks:

§  Refugee Uprising: Discontent is growing among the refugees housed in Dieppe, with rumors of an armed uprising to claim their own land. The adventurers must quell the rebellion—or help lead it—depending on where their sympathies lie.

§  Sabotage in the Sky Gardens: A mysterious blight is attacking the Sky Gardens, threatening Moncton’s food supply. The adventurers must investigate the cause of the blight, which could be the result of a Feylin curse or a deliberate act of sabotage by a rival faction.

§  Monster in the Barracks: Something has been stalking the Refugee Barracks at night, killing residents and leaving behind strange, arcane symbols. The party is hired to track down and eliminate the monster before panic spreads through the city.

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