Friday, August 30, 2024

The Rock - Part 4 - Regional Overview of the Rock

A needlepoint interpretation of the region as done by Mrs. Honeygold 

 Avalon Peninsula

This large peninsula is on the east side and is where the lion’s share of the population of the island. It is a diverse territory of forests, rolling hills, and contrasted with vast boggy landscape.  This is where the largest and longest city of inhabitation in north America is located: St. Johns where the Confederation Council meets.

 Central Plateau

This is an area of dense forests and extensive wetlands.  This is an area of relative low density, but paradoxically also an area of high population of Fey.

East Coast

Punctuated in the South by the Burin Peninsula in the south and stretches northwards to the Bonavista peninsular and with the Clarenville region inbetween.

Northern Peninsula

This stretches along the edge of the Long Range Mountains and is capped with a coastal Terrace.  It’s dark mountain hideaways are often used for secret experiments by the fraternity that dominates the area.

West Coast

This area is very mountainous and is the home of the Northern Arm Hills, Blow me down mountains, the highest mountain on the island, the cabox in the Lewis Hills.  This area was scoured by glaciers . As one goes further South, the mountains are punctuated by lush green estuaries and crystal clear waters.

The Basins

Labrador Basin

·       Pre-Hodgepocalypse: A deep basin located to the northwest of Newfoundland, known for its cold, nutrient-rich waters.

·       Post-Hodgepocalypse: The Labrador Basin becomes a turbulent maelstrom of arcane energies, with swirling vortices of water and magic. Strange, bioluminescent sea creatures, mutated by the magical influx, thrive here. The basin's waters shimmer with an eerie, otherworldly glow, making it both a site of wonder and danger.

Newfoundland Basin

·       Pre-Hodgepocalypse: Situated southeast of Newfoundland, this basin is part of the larger North Atlantic Ocean and features diverse marine life.

·       Post-Hodgepocalypse: The Newfoundland Basin transforms into a vast, enchanted expanse where time and space are distorted. Navigating these waters becomes perilous as ships might find themselves traversing multiple dimensions. Magical storms, imbued with lightning that crackles with mystical energy, frequently sweep through the basin, making it a treacherous route for sailors.

Orphan Basin

Pre-Hodgepocalypse: Located to the northeast of Newfoundland, this basin is characterized by its relatively shallow waters compared to others.

Post-Hodgepocalypse: The Orphan Basin turns into a realm of shifting sands and enchanted coral reefs. The seabed is dotted with ancient, magically preserved shipwrecks, each harboring relics of lost civilizations. These relics exude powerful enchantments, attracting treasure hunters and scholars alike. However, the reefs are also home to fierce, magically-enhanced marine predators.

St. Pierre Bank

·       Pre-Hodgepocalypse: A submerged bank off the southern coast of Newfoundland, known for its rich fishing grounds.

·       Post-Hodgepocalypse: The St. Pierre Bank becomes a region of abundant and bizarre marine life, with fish and other sea creatures exhibiting extraordinary size and abilities due to magical mutation. The waters here are perpetually warm, a result of geothermal activity enhanced by the Hodgepocalypse. This creates an ecosystem that resembles tropical coral reefs more than the cold Atlantic, teeming with vibrant, magical flora and fauna.

Grand Banks

·       Pre-Hodgepocalypse: One of the world's richest fishing grounds, located southeast of Newfoundland, where the warm Gulf Stream meets the cold Labrador Current.

·       Post-Hodgepocalypse: The Grand Banks evolve into an aquatic wonderland of floating islands and submerged forests. These islands, composed of magically animated rock and coral, drift across the banks, creating a constantly changing landscape. The waters are inhabited by schools of fish that possess various magical properties, such as the ability to heal wounds or provide glimpses of the future. Fishermen and adventurers are drawn here, hoping to harvest these mystical creatures, but must contend with unpredictable magical phenomena and guardians of the sea.


Labrador, also known as The Northern Frontier, is a vast, rugged land characterized by its wild landscapes, rich resources, and diverse inhabitants. Unlike the densely populated and magically vibrant Rock, the Northern Frontier is more sparsely inhabited, with a mix of indigenous tribes, magical creatures, and adventurous settlers. It is a place of opportunity, mystery, and harsh beauty.

Key Elements

  1. Geography and Climate:
    • Harsh Environment: The Northern Frontier is known for its extreme weather, from frigid winters to brief, vibrant summers. Its landscape includes dense forests, icy fjords, and vast tundras.
    • Natural Resources: Rich in minerals, timber, and magical flora and fauna, the Northern Frontier is a land of untapped potential.
  2. Inhabitants:
    • Indigenous Tribes: The original inhabitants of the Northern Frontier are deeply connected to the land and its magic. They possess unique magical traditions and live in harmony with nature.
    • Settlers and Adventurers: Drawn by the promise of resources and adventure, settlers from the Rock and other regions have established small communities and outposts.
    • Magical Creatures: The Frontier is home to numerous magical beings, including elusive creatures like the Ungo (sasquatch analogues) and Medusa (nerdy snake people).
  3. Culture and Society:
    • Frontier Spirit: The culture of the Northern Frontier is marked by resilience, independence, and a deep respect for the land. Survival skills and practical magic are highly valued.
    • Resource-Based Economy: The economy relies on mining, logging, and harvesting magical resources. Trade with the Rock and other regions is vital.
    • Community and Cooperation: Small, tight-knit communities are common, with a strong sense of mutual aid and cooperation.
  4. Magic and Mysticism:
    • Elemental Magic: Magic in the Northern Frontier often draws on the natural elements, with shamans and wizards harnessing the power of the land, water, and sky.
    • Ancient Mysteries: The land is dotted with ancient ruins and mystical sites, holding secrets from a bygone era and attracting scholars and treasure hunters.
  5. Relations with the Rock:
    • Economic Ties: The Rock relies on the Northern Frontier for raw materials and unique magical components. Trade caravans and airships regularly travel between the two regions.
    • Cultural Exchange: While distinct, there is a flow of cultural influences between the Rock and the Frontier, with adventurers and traders bringing new ideas and traditions back and forth.
    • Political Dynamics: The Northern Frontier maintains a degree of autonomy but recognizes the authority of the Rock's central governance. Local leaders often negotiate terms to ensure mutual benefits.

Notable Locations

  1. Tristam’s Bay Outpost: The main trade hub and point of contact between the Rock and the Frontier. It serves as a gateway for goods, adventurers, and knowledge.
  2. The Glacial Citadel: An ancient fortress carved into a glacier, rumored to be a center of powerful elemental magic and a stronghold against northern threats.
  3. Shaman’s Grove: A sacred forest where the indigenous tribes perform their rituals and commune with nature spirits. It is a place of pilgrimage for those seeking wisdom and guidance.
  4. Aurora Mines: Rich in rare minerals and magical crystals, these mines are both a source of wealth and danger, attracting miners and treasure hunters.
  5. The Eternal Tundra: A vast, frozen expanse home to nomadic tribes and mystical creatures. It is both a place of harsh survival and profound beauty.

Incantation Islands


The Incantation Islands are a small, newly formed archipelago near the Rock, created through powerful magic to resemble the crumbling southwestern coastline. This island chain combines the practical with the mystical, featuring a mix of inhabited settlements and secluded experimental sites. It serves as a critical extension of the Rock’s magical community, balancing daily life with groundbreaking magical research.

Key Elements

  1. Geography and Formation:
    • Magical Genesis: The islands were formed by powerful wizards to stabilize the southwestern coastline. Each island has a unique landscape, from lush forests to rocky shores.
    • Natural Beauty: The islands are known for their stunning natural beauty, attracting both locals and tourists. Crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and diverse flora and fauna characterize the archipelago.
  2. Inhabitants and Society:
    • Fisheries and Farmers: Many islands are home to small fishing and farming communities. These inhabitants lead simple, self-sufficient lives, relying on the rich marine resources and fertile land.
    • Wizard Estates: Prominent wizards own several islands, using them as secluded sites for magical experiments. These estates are often protected by powerful enchantments and are off-limits to the general public.
  3. Culture and Daily Life:
    • Community Spirit: The fishing and farming communities are tight-knit, with a strong sense of cooperation and mutual support. Festivals and communal gatherings are common, celebrating the bounty of the sea and land.
    • Isolation and Secrecy: The wizard estates are marked by isolation and secrecy. While some wizards interact with the local communities, many prefer to remain secluded, focused on their research.
  4. Magic and Research:
    • Experimental Sites: The islands serve as experimental grounds for various magical disciplines. Wizards conduct research on elemental magic, alchemy, and other arcane sciences, away from the prying eyes of the Rock.
    • Safety Measures: To ensure safety, these experiments are often conducted under strict protocols. Powerful wards and barriers are in place to contain any magical mishaps.
  5. Economy and Trade:
    • Fishing and Agriculture: The primary economic activities on the inhabited islands are fishing and agriculture. The islands produce a variety of seafood, crops, and artisanal goods, which are traded with the Rock and beyond.
    • Magical Goods: Some islands also produce unique magical items and potions, derived from the experimental work of resident wizards. These goods are highly sought after and command premium prices.
  6. Notable Locations:
    • Azure Cove: A bustling fishing village known for its vibrant market and annual sea harvest festival. The village is a hub of activity, with traders and fishermen from across the archipelago.
    • Eldritch Isle: Owned by Archmage Elara, this island is a center for experimental enchantments. It is heavily warded and known for the strange, magical phenomena that occasionally occur.
    • Verdant Grove: A farming community renowned for its enchanted crops. The local farmers use druidic magic to enhance the fertility of the soil and the yield of their harvests.
    • Mystic Lighthouse: A towering structure that serves both as a beacon for ships and a research center for light and illusion magic. It is a symbol of the harmonious blend of practical use and magical experimentation.

Triistam Bay

The largest of the Incantation Islands is home to Tristam Bay, a vibrant university town that serves as the beating heart of magical academia on the Rock. This island, often referred to by locals as "Arcadia," is a place where young wizards, witches, and magical scholars from various fraternities and sororities come together in pursuit of knowledge. Tristam Bay is a neutral ground, where ancient rivalries are set aside in favor of collaboration and intellectual growth. The town itself is a blend of historic charm and modern enchantment, with its cobblestone streets lined by towering libraries, alchemical labs, and arcane shops

Arcadia is also known for its grand university, a sprawling complex of castle-like structures where students study everything from elemental magic to necromantic defense. The island’s serene landscapes and mystical ambiance make it an ideal setting for both study and peaceful reflection, and it stands as a symbol of unity and progress within the magical community of the Rock.

Locations of Note

Lighthouse and the Rock

·       On the Rock, lighthouses are more than just navigational aids—they are beacons of both magical power and historical significance. Each lighthouse, perched on rugged cliffs or remote outposts, is an enchanted structure that not only guides ships through treacherous waters but also protects the island from magical threats. Many of these lighthouses were constructed by the earliest wizards who settled on the Rock, infusing them with spells of protection, scrying, and even teleportation. They serve as watchtowers, monitoring the surrounding seas for any sign of danger, whether from mundane storms or arcane incursions.

·       For adventurers, lighthouses are places of mystery and opportunity. Each one is unique, with its own history and array of magical defenses. Some are rumored to be haunted by the spirits of ancient lighthouse keepers who protect their posts even in death. Others are known to house powerful artifacts, hidden away in secret chambers accessible only to those who can solve complex magical puzzles. These lighthouses often become the focus of quests, as adventurers seek to uncover their secrets, defend them from dark forces, or restore them to their former glory after years of neglect.

·       In addition to their protective roles, the lighthouses of the Rock are also key points of communication, using arcane light signals to transmit messages across the island and even to distant lands. The brightest and most famous of these is the Beacon of Valormere, whose light has been known to pierce even the darkest magical shrouds, making it a symbol of hope and resilience for the people of the Rock.

Mines of the Rock

In the magical landscape of the Rock, mining plays a unique and central role in both the economy and the community. The mines on the island follow a distinct three-part life cycle: first as sources of valuable materials, then as dangerous dungeons to be cleared by adventurers, and finally as repurposed living quarters or communal spaces. This cycle is deeply ingrained in the culture of the island, with each stage bringing its own challenges and opportunities.

Cultural Significance

The life cycle of a mine on the Rock reflects the island’s adaptability and resourcefulness. Each stage of the mine’s life is celebrated in its own way:

  • Mining: Festivals are held to honor the miners and the wealth they bring to the community, with rituals to protect them from the dangers below.
  • Dungeon Clearing: Adventurers who clear a mine are celebrated as heroes, and their tales are often passed down through generations. The process of clearing a dungeon is seen as a rite of passage for young wizards and warriors.
  • Living Quarters: Once a mine becomes a residential area, it is blessed by local wizards and druids to ensure it remains safe and prosperous. These communities are often very close-knit, with a strong connection to the history of the mine.

Copper Hollow

  • Stage: Mining
  • Location: Northern Highlands
  • Description: Copper Hollow is one of the most active mines on the island, rich in copper and other rare metals. The mine is in full operation, with miners extracting valuable ores that are used in both mundane and magical crafts. The mine’s tunnels are expansive, with new veins being discovered regularly. This location is heavily guarded and enchanted to ensure the safety of the workers.
  • Future Potential: Once the veins run dry, Copper Hollow is expected to attract adventurers seeking to clear out any lurking dangers, making it a prime candidate for conversion into living quarters.

 Silver Spire

  • Stage: Dungeon
  • Location: Eastern Coast
  • Description: Silver Spire was once a thriving silver mine, but after the ore was exhausted, it became infested with magical creatures and dark spirits. Now, it's a well-known dungeon, attracting adventurers from all over the Rock and beyond. The mine’s treacherous depths are filled with traps, monsters, and ancient secrets left behind by the miners and the creatures that have since taken over.
  • Future Potential: After being fully cleared, Silver Spire is slated for conversion into a series of subterranean homes and communal spaces, possibly housing a new fraternity or magical research center.


  • Stage: Living Quarters
  • Location: Western Valleys
  • Description: Irondeep was a large iron mine that has long since been depleted of resources and cleared of dangers. Now, it has been transformed into a thriving underground community. The former mining tunnels have been repurposed into homes, shops, and public spaces. Irondeep is particularly popular among students and younger wizards who prefer the seclusion and unique ambiance of living in an underground setting.
  • Unique Features: The walls of Irondeep are adorned with luminescent crystals that provide natural light, and the old mining elevators have been enchanted for easy travel between levels.


  • Stage: Transition from Mining to Dungeon
  • Location: Central Mountains
  • Description: Goldheart is in the final stages of its mining life, with the last veins of gold being extracted. However, recent reports suggest that strange creatures have begun to emerge from the deepest tunnels, marking the beginning of its transformation into a dungeon. The mine’s proximity to several wizard estates makes it a high-priority target for adventurers eager to clear it before it becomes too dangerous.
  • Future Potential: Given its central location and the allure of its name, Goldheart is expected to become one of the most sought-after residential areas once the dungeon is cleared.

Quartz Caverns

  • Stage: Living Quarters
  • Location: Southern Peninsula
  • Description: Quartz Caverns was originally a mine known for its abundance of quartz and other precious gems. After being fully cleared, the caverns have been converted into a luxurious underground neighborhood. The walls still glitter with embedded crystals, and the large, open spaces have been fashioned into grand halls and private chambers.
  • Unique Features: The community here is known for its elaborate light shows and magical displays that take advantage of the reflective and refractive properties of the quartz crystals.

Mithril Veil

  • Stage: Dungeon
  • Location: Far Western Cliffs
  • Description: Mithril Veil was once a legendary source of mithril, but it was abandoned after the mine became too dangerous to work in. Now, it is one of the most challenging dungeons on the Rock, filled with powerful guardians, arcane traps, and the remnants of ancient mining equipment enchanted by long-lost spells.
  • Future Potential: If Mithril Veil is ever cleared, it has the potential to become a fortified underground fortress or a highly exclusive residential area, given the strength of the natural mithril deposits in the rock.


The Wraithwrecks

In the waters surrounding the Rock, particularly near the Incantation Islands and the craggy coastline, countless ships have met their end. These wrecks are not mere hulks of wood and iron; they have become infused with the powerful magic of the Rock, taking on a life of their own. Some are haunted by the spirits of those who perished, while others have become the lairs of magical creatures. The Wraithwrecks are infamous among sailors and adventurers alike, representing both danger and opportunity.


Ghost Ships

These wrecks are haunted by the spirits of their former crews, who cannot rest due to unfinished business or curses laid upon them. Adventurers might be called upon to lay these spirits to rest, retrieve cursed treasures, or uncover the secrets that led to the ship’s demise.

Example: The Specter of St. John
The Specter of St. John was a massive trading vessel that mysteriously vanished during a routine voyage. Now, it appears on stormy nights, its spectral crew endlessly repeating their final moments. It's said that the ship carries an artifact of immense power, but it is cursed, bringing doom to any who dare to claim it. Adventurers might be tasked with breaking the curse or protecting a port from the wrath of the ship’s vengeful spirits.

Living Shipwrecks
These shipwrecks have fused with the magical energies of the Rock, transforming into living entities. They move through the water as if still intact, sometimes with strange plant or animal life growing from them. Some are docile, while others are predatory, attacking anything that comes near.

Example: The Coral Warden
The Coral Warden was once a naval warship that sank during a battle against pirates. Now, it roams the seas, its hull covered in vibrant, living coral. This shipwreck is alive, controlled by the coral that has taken over it, and defends the underwater gardens it now calls home. Adventurers might seek the Warden to harvest rare coral, or they could be hired to destroy it as it becomes more aggressive and encroaches on shipping lanes.

Sunken Libraries

Some shipwrecks carried more than just cargo—they transported knowledge, magical scrolls, and ancient texts. Over time, these wrecks have become underwater libraries, guarded by magical constructs, merfolk, or other aquatic beings. These libraries hold invaluable knowledge but are perilous to explore.

Example: The Abyssal Archive
The Abyssal Archive was a scholar's vessel that sank en route to a distant academy. Its holds were filled with ancient tomes, scrolls, and relics. Now, it lies at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by powerful wards that protect the knowledge within. Adventurers may venture into the Archive to recover a lost spell or artifact, but they must first bypass the wards and the guardians that protect them.

Cursed Treasures

Some shipwrecks are notorious for the cursed treasures they hold. These treasures are incredibly valuable, but they come with great risks—curses that bring misfortune, monsters that guard them, or rival treasure hunters.

Example: The Siren’s Hoard
The Siren’s Hoard was a pirate ship that ran aground during a storm, lured by the song of a siren. Its holds are filled with gold, jewels, and enchanted items, but they are all cursed by the siren who claimed them. Adventurers might be lured by the promise of wealth, only to find themselves trapped in the siren's spell, forced to perform a dangerous task to earn their freedom.


Plot Hooks


Plot Hook



The Disappearing Island

A small island in the Incantation Islands vanishes and reappears sporadically. Locals believe it’s due to a wizard's experiment gone wrong. Can the adventurers stabilize it?


Ghosts of the Wraithwrecks

A recently sunken ship has become a new Wraithwreck, and its ghostly crew is terrorizing nearby villages. The adventurers must find a way to lay the spirits to rest.


The Lost Ritual

An ancient, powerful ritual used to protect the Rock has been forgotten. Rumors of its existence have surfaced, and different factions are vying to recover it.


Rogue Familiar

A wizard's familiar has gone rogue, stealing magical artifacts from various fraternities. The adventurers must track it down before it causes irreparable damage.


Baited Trap

A fishing village reports that their catches are laced with strange magical properties. What seems like a blessing may actually be a trap set by a rival wizard.


The Wandering Mine

A mine that was cleared of monsters has started shifting its location on the island. The adventurers must discover why and stop it before it causes more trouble.


Fraternity Feud

Two rival fraternities are at odds over a powerful artifact. Their feud is causing chaos in Tristam Bay, and the adventurers are hired to mediate—or escalate—the conflict.


Medusa Negotiations

The Medusa community is upset about new mining operations near their homes. The adventurers are hired to mediate and find a peaceful solution—or secure the mines by force.


Ungo’s Challenge

An Ungo elder challenges the adventurers to a series of trials in the mountains. Success earns their respect and potential allies, but failure could be fatal.


Lighthouse Guardian

One of the magical lighthouses has gone dark, causing ships to crash. The adventurers must investigate whether it's sabotage, a curse, or something else entirely.


The Forgotten Faculty

A long-abandoned faculty on the outskirts of Tristam Bay is rumored to be haunted by its former students. The adventurers are tasked with clearing it out—or discovering its true purpose.


Stolen Shipwreck

A powerful artifact from a sunken shipwreck has been stolen. The adventurers must retrieve it before its new owner unleashes its full power.


The Secret of the Coral Warden

Strange creatures have been sighted near the Coral Warden. The adventurers are hired to investigate and either destroy the ship or protect the creatures if they are of value.


The Siren’s Lure

The Siren’s Hoard has reappeared, and treasure hunters are flocking to it. However, the adventurers discover that the siren's curse is still active and must find a way to break it.


A New Island Appears

A new island has risen near the Incantation Islands, and factions are scrambling to claim it. The adventurers are hired to explore and secure it—or sabotage others' attempts.


Gnome Engineering Gone Awry

A gnome-engineered mining machine has gone haywire, causing tremors throughout the Rock. The adventurers must find a way to stop it before it triggers a catastrophic earthquake.


The Temporal Echo

A temporal anomaly has caused a part of the island to revert to an earlier time. The adventurers must navigate this pocket of the past and prevent it from spreading.


Elven Envoys

The elves on the Rock are demanding more influence in the Tristam Committee. The adventurers are tasked with either supporting their claim or undermining it to maintain the status quo.


The Curse of the Miner’s Ghost

A ghostly miner haunts a recently cleared mine, attacking anyone who enters. The adventurers must discover why he is restless and put him to peace.


Wizards’ Tournament

A grand tournament is being held in Tristam Bay, attracting spellcasters from across the Rock. The adventurers are either participants or must protect the event from sabotage.

Puffins are a common familiar in the Rock















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