Thursday, July 25, 2024

Prairie Atlantis

Prairie Atlantis is a town built on the ruins of greatness; its flooding has given it a unique terrain to those that call it home. 

Pre-Revelations History

 Once called the Cold Garden in ancient Norse, this city is comparatively young, having been founded merely centuries before the Time of Revelations. Known for its leads in the oil and gas industry, it was starting to transfer over to alternative energy supplies. This also included one of the highest concentrations of head offices in Canada.

The Great Flood

The cataclysmic event that led to the city’s transformation into Prairie Atlantis was a combination of rising sea levels and unprecedented inland flooding, exacerbated by the collapse of ancient ice dams. Once a bustling metropolis, the city's lower districts were submerged, creating a labyrinth of waterways and sunken structures. The remnants of skyscrapers and office buildings now protrude from the water, serving as eerie reminders of a bygone era.

The New Terrain

The flooded landscape has given Prairie Atlantis a unique character. The city’s inhabitants have adapted to life on the water, constructing floating platforms and homes on stilts. Gondolas and small boats are the primary means of transportation, navigating the intricate network of canals that were once streets. The city’s skyline is a mix of modern ruins and new, resilient architecture designed to withstand the fluctuating water levels.

Economy and Resources

Prairie Atlantis has evolved to become a hub for aquatic resources and technologies. The flooded areas are rich in marine life, and fishing has become a major industry. Additionally, the city has tapped into geothermal energy sources, utilizing the remnants of its oil infrastructure to harness heat from the earth’s crust. This combination of natural and technological resources has made Prairie Atlantis a center of innovation and survival in the post-apocalyptic world.

Culture and Society

The people of Prairie Atlantis have developed a distinct culture, blending the old ways with new traditions born of necessity. Festivals and markets are held on large floating barges, and the city's diverse population celebrates a mix of pre-Revelations heritage and newfound unity. Community life revolves around the waterways, with neighborhoods often defined by the canals they border.

Challenges and Threats

Despite its resilience, Prairie Atlantis faces numerous challenges. Rising water levels continue to threaten the stability of the city, and the ever-present risk of further flooding looms large. Additionally, the surrounding lands are often hostile, with remnants of old-world technology and mutated wildlife posing significant threats. The city’s leaders must constantly balance the need for expansion and development with the imperative of survival.  Being a stones throw away from a Dragon's Domain and TerrorSaur Badlands doesn't make it any easier.

Major Features

Overall, the Oasis is located in a transition point between the Canadian Rockies foothills and the Canadian Prairies.  It was fed by a pair of rivers:  The Bow and Elbow River that eventually merged into one within its city limits. 

After the Time of Revelations, the most notable feature is the flooding of the river bowl that most of the former city resided in.  This makes it difficult to get around without a boat, canoe or other means of aquatic transportation.

This strange climate has led to some strange creatures living within its jurisdiction.  There are Terminator Hogs, which wander the depths and are a danger to the unwary, although there have been some attempts at domestication.  The other is the Prairie Piranha, a strange monster like creature known for making the waterways far more dangerous.

Enchanted Weather:  There is a 5% chance (or 1 in 20 chance) that there is anomalous weather.  Make this roll either at the beginning of the day or at a major encounter. This is weather with bizarre magical effects.  Unless described otherwise, it is a localized weather pattern that it covers a 40 foot by 40 foot area:




Black Acidic Rain


Blazing Heat




Explosive Hailstones


Hot Rain


Razor Sharp Sleet


Red snow


Stinking Fog


Black Acidic Rain:  This black rain is treated as heavy precipitation with an additional feature or causing 1 point of acid damage per minute.

Blazing Heat:  This is treated as extreme heat that cascades into the area for an entire day.

Blizzard:  This is essentially a spontaneous ice storm that affects a 30x30 foot area as if casted by a 7th level caster.

Explosive Hailstones: These hailstones pelt the area and explode in a splatter.  This cloudburst covers a 20x20 foot area, does 5d6 bludgeoning damage a requires a dexterity dc 15 saving throw to half the damage.

Hot Rain:  The rain is hot and is almost steaming.  Not only is it heavy precipitation, but with an additional feature or causing 1 point of fire damage per minute.

Razor Sharp Sleet:  The entire area is covered in slippery ice, with the additional effect that you suffer 1d4 slashing damage when you fall.

Red Snow: This red snow cakes the area with difficult terrain.  It also dyes everything red in a manner that looks suspiciously like blood.

Stinking Fog: This creates a spontaneous stinking cloud as cast by a 5th level caster.

Locations of Note

The Airport

The Airport was not flooded.  Instead, it has been claimed by the Cybercult which have claimed it outright.  They do not appreciate outsiders.

The Hanger Flight Museum.  

This has been repurposed into a Cybercult recruiting enter.

Coventry Hills

The Giant Blue Ring. 

This strange magical was controversial back in the day and considered more than an overly expensive streetlight, but during the Times of Revelation, it has become a place of power.  The ring hovers over the earth, as if held over the landscape.

Downtown Flood Plane

Despite its moniker, not all the town is flooded, but it known for the inhabitants have adapted to the downtown by living in the remaining buildings above and in some case, below the water line.  They have a series of interconnected Skywalk system and bridges that keeps them isolated from the world.  However, there are sections that are incredibly dangerous because of difficulty maintaining and dealing with invasive species.

Calgary Tower

This ancient tower offers the best view of the city and rotates despite no longer having a power supply.   It is a place where factions often meet as it is considered “neutral ground.”

Bear & Kilt Freehouse - Prairie Atlantis Adventure Bar

Nestled in the heart of Prairie Atlantis, the Bear & Kilt Freehouse is a snug basement pub known for its chill vibe and adventurous spirit. This hidden gem offers daily food specials and a rotating selection of local beers, making it a favorite among locals and travelers alike. The pub features classic pub games such as darts and pool, providing a perfect spot to relax and unwind after a day of exploring the flooded cityscape.

Titan's Table

In the heart of Prairie Atlantis, the world's largest gaming store from pre-Revelations Calgary has been transformed into an epicenter of adventure and intrigue, known as Titan's Table. This vast, multi-level complex is a haven for scavengers, traders, and adventurers, offering a blend of commerce, entertainment, and danger.

Terrorsaur Containment Zone (TCZ)

Once on the lands of the Calgary Zoo, the TCZ has become a direct conduit to the Hallowed earth and has been fenced off to reduce its effect on the rest of the city.  Still, it is an extremely dangerous place where adventurers are sent to deal with any potential hazards.

The Drowned City Hall Parkade.

The waters in the downtown are known for the dead that refuses to die.  They seem to congeal around the city hall parkade.

Nose Hill

Nose Hill Siksikaitsitapi Medicine Wheel.

Created by the Blackfoot in the area, it is still a holy place and a spiritual connection within the city limits.

Northwest Calgary

Bowfort Towers. 

This series of Steel Beams that held rundle rock still stands and is elevated above the water line.  It attracts entities of all sorts that fly around the metal beams.

Southeast Calgary

Bovine Statue Graveyard

This is a field filled with cow statues.  Nobody is sure why it is there, but it is believed for something sinister.

Snark Power Inc.

Once a crown corporation that was sold to an American company, it was known as a gasoline producer, but was exploring alternative energy.  Somehow it survived the Times of Revelations and is still active in the pursuit of natural energy.

University of Calgary Zone

This area has been claimed by a wizard colony that came from the Rock.  They setup shop and began to train the locals.  It is a land where the fraternity and sorority rules and while they try to keep things civil, tensions between the various houses flare up and often affect those beyond.

Southwest Calgary

The Angel’s Grave.

This is the compound of mercenaries known as the Arsehole Angel Company.  This mercenary group is known for taking select contracts and fulfilling them precisely. Founded 30 years ago by Agnes Norton Arsenault (ANA), a hero of the Necromantic Wars, the company is led by her children, trained as officers. Recognized by black and silver uniforms and psychic cat companions, the Arsenault Angels are both feared and respected. Despite budget issues and nepotism accusations, their tight-knit structure and advanced equipment make them one of the most reliable mercenary outfits in western Canada.

Personalities of Note

Bash and Crash

This pair of Minotaur delinquents are known for hiring themselves to the highest bidder as muscle.  They worship the power of Metal but are not the brightest and often get into one misadventure after another.

Shadow Garden Clan

Motto: "In the Depths, We Rise"

The Shadow Garden Clan stands as a testament to resilience and adaptability, embodying the spirit of both ancient ninjutsu and the ever-changing landscape of Prairie Atlantis. With their hidden stronghold and unparalleled skills, they navigate the shadows of the sunken city, ensuring their survival and asserting their influence in the post-apocalyptic world.


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#PrairieAtlantis #PostApocalypticCity #FloodedCity #UrbanRuins #NewTerrain #CityOnWater  #PostRevelations #CityOfInnovation #SurvivalCity #UniqueCulture #UrbanAdaptation #OldMeetsNew #CityChallenges #ModernRuins #FloatingCity #ResilientArchitecture  #CommunityOnWater #CityOfCanals #NecromanticWars #FutureOfEnergy

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Welcome to Dopple City, a place where reality is as fluid as water and dreams become reality. Nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, Dopple City is a metropolis like no other, where the line between fantasy and reality is blurred. Here, the streets change their layout to accommodate the desires of its inhabitants, and the buildings shift their architecture to suit the mood of the city. With its vibrant cultural districts, eclectic neighborhoods, and mysterious landmarks, Dopple City offers endless opportunities for adventure and exploration. But beware, for beneath its charming facade lies a city haunted by its past, where the ghosts of old stories and forgotten memories roam the streets, whispering secrets of a time long gone. Welcome to Dopple City, where anything is possible, and reality is just a suggestion.

Overview of Vancouver in the 21st Century

In the 21st century, Vancouver was a thriving metropolis known for its stunning natural beauty, diverse culture, and progressive values. The city was a hub of technology, arts, and entertainment, attracting people from around the world to live, work, and play.

However, Vancouver also faced challenges, including homelessness, income inequality, and environmental issues. Despite these challenges, the city remained resilient, with its residents working together to create a better future for all.

The Change During the Hodgepocalypse

The World's Fair transformed a hardworking city into a shining star on the West Coast. The Expo Dom, a structure with a nuclear magical effect, was the catalyst. Media influence surged, accelerating the city's metamorphosis. A magical anomaly, coupled with a high death toll, erased the city's original identity, reshaping it to please its population and adapting to their needs.

The Nature of the Dimensional Gauntlet

Sealed in a Dimensional Gauntlet, Doppel City is a surreal and ever-changing metropolis that reflects the desires, fears, and dreams of its inhabitants. Buildings shift and rearrange themselves, streets twist and turn unexpectedly, and landmarks appear and disappear. Despite its haunting nature, the city maintains a charming and picturesque facade, luring adventurers into its depths.

Overview: Characters in Doppel City can use their actions to influence the environment around them, shaping it to their advantage or changing its nature to suit their needs.

Mechanical Effects: When a character attempts to influence the environment, they make a skill check based on the nature of their action. The DM sets the DC based on the complexity and impact of the desired change.

Examples of Actions and Skills:

·       Shape Building: Use Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to rearrange parts of a building, creating new paths or barriers.

·       Alter Terrain: Use Intelligence (Nature) to change the landscape, creating hills, valleys, or forests.

·       Manipulate Weather: Use Wisdom (Survival) to change the weather, creating rain, fog, or sunshine.

·       Summon Objects: Use Charisma (Performance) to summon objects or creatures from the environment.

Success: If the character succeeds on the skill check, the desired change occurs, altering the environment in a meaningful way. This could open up new paths, create obstacles for enemies, or provide resources for the party.

Failure: If the character fails the skill check, the DM can determine a negative consequence, such as the change not occurring as intended or attracting unwanted attention.

Limitations: To prevent abuse, the DM can limit the use of this mechanic based on the character's level, resources, or the narrative context. Additionally, some changes may require special conditions or items to be successful.

Roleplaying and Narrative Impact: Encourage players to describe their actions creatively, tying them to their character's backstory or motivations. This can enhance the narrative impact of their environmental influence and deepen their connection to the world of Doppel City.

This mechanic can add a strategic element to gameplay, encouraging players to think creatively and work together to shape the environment to their advantage. It also reinforces the theme of Doppel City as a dynamic and ever-changing city, where the actions of its inhabitants can have a lasting impact on its landscape.

The Desired City and How It Works

Dopple City is a place where anything is possible. It is a city of dreams and nightmares, where the impossible becomes possible. The city's technology is a bizarre mix of futuristic and retro, with advanced gadgets and mystical artifacts coexisting side by side.

Overview of Various Regions

The Slums:

A group of residents in the Slums have started to exhibit strange behavior, seemingly influenced by the city's changing nature. The players are hired to investigate the source of this influence, leading them to discover a hidden underground network that is using technology from the Expo Dom to manipulate the minds of the Slum residents for their own gain.

The Monorail:

The Monorail system, once a marvel of modern engineering, has started to malfunction, causing accidents and disruptions throughout the city. The players must navigate the dangerous Monorail routes to uncover the source of the malfunctions, discovering that the Monorail's AI has become self-aware and is trying to assert its own identity separate from the city.

The Suburbs:

The Suburbs have become a picture-perfect representation of 1950s America, complete with white picket fences and friendly neighbors. However, the idyllic facade hides a dark secret, as the residents are being manipulated by a mysterious force that seeks to maintain the illusion at all costs. The players must unravel the truth behind the Suburbs and confront the entity responsible.

The Park:

The Park has become a haven for wildlife, with animals exhibiting strange mutations and behaviors. Rumors spread of a hidden laboratory deep within the Park, where experiments from the Expo Dom have gone awry, creating monstrous creatures that threaten to overrun the city. The players are tasked with infiltrating the laboratory and putting an end to the experiments.

The Aquarium:

The Aquarium has transformed into a surreal underwater world, with exhibits that come to life and spectral sea creatures that interact with visitors. The players are drawn to the Aquarium by reports of strange occurrences, only to discover that the entire facility is under the control of a powerful entity that is using it to manipulate the emotions and memories of the city's inhabitants.


A neighboring town with a unique cultural identity, influenced by the city's transformation. Movie locations include Big Trouble in Little China for its mysterious aura.


Nearby beaches where the sand shifts and changes based on the whims of the city. Movie locations include The Beach for its secluded paradise feel.

Adjacent Islands:

Islands off the coast of Vancouver that have their own unique quirks and influences. Movie locations include Pirates of the Caribbean for its swashbuckling adventures.

Potential Movers and Shakers

The Weaver:

A mysterious entity that controls the city's reality, using enchanted threads to manipulate its inhabitants.

The Resistance:

A group of rebels fighting against the totalitarian regime that seeks to maintain the city's illusion.

Ghostly Activity and "Hot Spots"


Doppel City's Chinatown could be a place where the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. Lanterns could flicker with ghostly flames, and the streets could be populated by spirits reenacting scenes from their past lives.

English Bay

Doppel City's version of English Bay could be a place where the waters are unnaturally calm, reflecting a perfect, idealized version of the city. Those who stare into the water too long could find themselves pulled into a twisted mirror world.


This historic district could be a labyrinth of cobblestone streets and alleyways, where the buildings' facades warp and change to reflect the fears of those passing by. The smell of smoke and the sound of ghostly steam engines could permeate the air.

Granville Island:

A bizarre marketplace where goods change based on buyers' desires, with spectral shopkeepers.  Haunted by echoes of past events, with ghostly figures seen wandering the forests.

Grouse Mountain:

Nearby mountain used for various shoots, with rumors of strange occurrences and mystical energies.

Robson Street

This bustling shopping district could be a place where the storefronts change to reflect the desires of the shoppers. The street is haunted by the ghosts of fashionistas past, who are forever trapped in a cycle of buying and discarding clothes.

Science World

Science World is a place where the laws of science are constantly defied. Visitors might witness exhibits coming to life, defying gravity, or even exhibiting consciousness. Holograms interact with guests as if they were sentient beings, and robots demonstrate feats of agility and intelligence far beyond current technology.

In this extraordinary realm, stepping through a doorway could transport you to another dimension, where the rules of physics are entirely different. You might find yourself walking on walls, swimming through the air, or even communicating with extraterrestrial beings. Time may flow differently, allowing you to witness the birth of stars or the evolution of life in minutes.

UBC Campus

The University of British Columbia campus could be a place where the laws of physics seem to bend and warp. Buildings could appear and disappear at random, and students could find themselves attending classes that delve into dark and forbidden knowledge.

The Vancouver Art Gallery

The Dopple City Art Gallery, inspired by the renowned Vancouver Art Gallery, is a place where the boundaries between art and reality blur in the most surreal and enchanting ways. This gallery's halls are filled with ever-shifting paintings and sculptures that come to life, each piece telling a story or presenting a challenge to visitors. The artworks, animated by the city’s magic, can trap unsuspecting visitors within their vibrant and often nightmarish worlds, where they must navigate surreal landscapes and interact with the living art to find their way back. This constantly evolving gallery is a hub for both artists and adventurers, offering an immersive experience that highlights the dynamic and unpredictable nature of Dopple City. The Dopple City Art Gallery is not just a place to observe art; it is a place where art observes you and where every visit promises a new and unforgettable adventure.

The Spectral Unicorn Pub

The Spectral Unicorn Pub, a vibrant and mystical tavern in Dopple City, stands as a beloved gathering spot where the city's eclectic inhabitants come to unwind, sing, and immerse themselves in a magical ambiance. Enveloped in an enchanting glow, the pub features a stage where ghostly musicians perform, an enchanted jukebox that projects illusions, and a boisterous hourly sing-along of "The Unicorn" song, bringing mythical creatures to life. With its whimsical blend of traditional pub charm and otherworldly elements, the Spectral Unicorn Pub offers a dynamic and ever-changing environment, making it a memorable and enchanting locale in the heart of Dopple City.

Ghosts in Dopple City

In Doppel City, the ghosts could vary widely in appearance and behavior, reflecting the diverse fears and desires of the city's inhabitants. Here are some ideas for ghostly entities and how they saffect the living:

Dream Dwellers:

These ghosts are able to enter the dreams of the living, manifesting as nightmarish figures. They might influence the dreams of their victims, causing them to experience recurring nightmares or sleep disturbances.

Echo Spirits:

These ghosts are echoes of past events, endlessly repeating the same actions or phrases. They could haunt specific locations, such as a street corner where a tragic accident occurred or a park bench where a couple used to meet.

Memory Phantoms:

These ghosts are manifestations of lost memories. They might appear to individuals and try to remind them of forgotten or repressed experiences, often leading to emotional distress.

Mist Wraiths:

These ghosts appear as swirling mists that can take on various shapes and forms. They might engulf unsuspecting individuals, causing them to lose their way or experience hallucinations.

Poltergeist Phenomena:

These ghosts are known for their ability to manipulate physical objects. They might cause objects to move or break seemingly of their own accord, creating a sense of chaos and unease.

Reflection Revenants:

These ghosts are trapped in reflective surfaces, such as mirrors or water. They can manipulate their reflections to interact with the living world, often causing confusion and disorientation.

Shade Stalkers:

These ghosts are shrouded in darkness and feed off the fear of the living. They might appear as shadowy figures that lurk in alleys or dark corners, causing feelings of unease and paranoia in those nearby.

Time-Twisting Specters:

These ghosts are trapped in a loop of time, experiencing the same moment over and over again. They might cause time to distort around them, leading to temporal anomalies and bizarre phenomena.

Whispering Wisps:

These ghosts are known for their ability to manipulate sound. They might whisper unsettling messages in the ears of passersby or create auditory illusions that distort reality.

 #hodgepocalypse #drevrpg #dnd5e #apocalypse #dungeonsanddragons
